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Leveraging the Power of Targeted Advertising in San Ramon

Speed and Precision. Including a Facebook Advertising campaign in your marketing gets you the fastest way to gain awareness, traffic, engagement, and sales.

Targeted advertising that always keeps you one step ahead of your competitors

Facebook Advertising Essentials

Our path to success is this: take customers who want to buy from you — then multiply them. By defining specific interests, demographics, and geographic location, Facebook can build a tailored audience of people to place your message directly in front of and increase your brand and top-of-mind awareness.

'billboard' ads

magnifying facebook awareness campaign

create brand awareness for your market

In traditional advertising – you pay to get in front of all sorts of folks who will never buy from you, with a handful of people that you really want to reach. That is the opposite case with our Billboard program. With Billboard ads – we leverage the power of Facebook’s brain. We put your message in front of an exact match based on interests, demographic and geographic information of your best customers – and then find other people who are just like them.

'boomerang' campaigns

facebook retargeting campaingn cycle

make sure they remember you

When a customer has interacted with you or your website, they are far more likely to purchase from you again. In our Retargeting or “Boomerang” Campaigns we bring them back to your site. We can digitally “place a sticky note” in front of them so that they are reminded to return to your business.

custom lead gen campaign

illutration depicting facebook advertising conversion evolution

innovative marketing power

We define and target specific interests, geographic location and many other factors. Behavioral and demographic targeting, as specific as zip codes or women who have an interest in shoes. Want to narrow to a specific type of device? We can do that too and deliver those leads to your email, text message or Messenger inbox.

Advertising CPM Comparison

(Average Cost Per Thousand)

Print Media Campaign
$ 1
Radio Campaign
$ 1
Digital Ad Campaign
$ 1

Traditional vs. Digital

Traditional Marketing (i.e., print, radio, TV)  uses a cannon to fire its message to hit anyone that will listen. Some reports indicate a profitable advantage to these types of advertising. However, materials and labor are expensive and provide no analytic data to measure a successful campaign. 

Today, Digital Advertising allows brands to focus their efforts on their ideal buyer with laser precision and build a community around their product or service, cultivating relationships, and trust. Additionally,  realtime analytical data is used to optimize strategies and measure ROI.

Industry Average Cost Per Click = $.45

(Source: FitSmallBusiness)

how many of your customers are on facebook? we can answer that question.

no harm in finding out, the answer may surprise you. click below for a free facebook audience report