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local internet

Local SEO & Directory Management Services in San Ramon

Consumers move at the speed of light. Having a presence online today is what drives business to success.  Consumers are searching for solutions you provide, and want them now. Local optimization is about being found when you’re needed.

direct your customers and point google in the right direction too

Ensure all your listings, directories, and map locations are consistent and drive traffic to your site.

search engine map with pointer for local search


BE CONSISTENT. A key factor in ranking is consistent directory information across the web. We fix discrepancies to give you the edge over your competitors.

local handyman mobile search


BE FOUND IN SEARCH RESULTS. We claim, verify, and optimize your Google presence to make sure search engines know what you do, where you do it, and how to find you.

rocket speed on computer for website optmization


SOMETIMES SEARCH ENGINES NEED EXTRA HELP. We add structured data markup along with maps, phone numbers, and everything else needed to make sure search engines know what they need to know about your business.

Benefits of a Google Listing:
young man with magnet standing in front of shadowed buildings attracting money from website conversions

consider this...

percentage finding your business using local searches


8 out of 10

# of times a mobile search query resulted in a call or visit to the business

percentage of local searches resulting in a visit to a store within 5 miles


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